Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment Options

Let's talk about something not so glamorous - Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP), a condition that can make you feel like you're playing a not-so-fun game of "hide and seek" with your organs. So buckle up, and let's dive into the causes, symptoms, and ways to deal with this condition.

Main cause #1: Pregnancy

One big culprit is the magical journey of pregnancy and childbirth. During this process, muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor can stretch and weaken, leaving them in need of extra support. Plus, the risk can be even higher if you've had multiple pregnancies or delivered some big babies.

Main cause #2: Age

But wait, there's more! Aging can also play a sneaky role. As we age, our pelvic tissues lose some youthful elasticity and strength. And let's not forget about our hormone levels. During menopause, lower estrogen levels can also lead to a loss of elasticity in our pelvic tissues, making POP more likely to crash the party.

Symptoms of POP

The symptoms of POP can vary depending on the severity and organs involved. Some common signs and symptoms include:
  1. A sensation of heaviness or pressure in the pelvic area.
  2. A feeling of something bulging or protruding from the vagina.
  3. Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse.
  4. Urinary problems, such as urinary incontinence or frequent urination.
  5. Bowel issues, including constipation or difficulty emptying the bowels.
  6. Lower back pain or pelvic pain.
It is important to note that some women may not experience any symptoms, while others may have a combination of symptoms. Seeking medical attention for a proper diagnosis is crucial if any of these symptoms are present.

Types of POP

So, what can you do if you suspect you have POP? Don't panic, we've got options! In less severe cases, lifestyle changes can be a game-changer. 

Treatment #1: Kegel Exercises

One of the recommended options to improve symptoms of POP is to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This can be done through pelvic floor exercises or commonly known as Kegels. Strengthening those muscles can give your organs the support they need to stay where they belong.
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Treatment #2: Non-Invasive Programmes

But if you find yourself not able to get good control of that piece of muscle on your own, that’s where TeslaCare and BTL Ultra Femme 360 come in. Combining TeslaCare and BTL Ultra Femme 360 for women's pelvic health can provide a comprehensive and holistic approach.
TeslaCare - uses Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS) to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles by triggering the motor nerve system of the body, allowing the pelvic floor muscles to regain their proper tone, strength, and endurance rapidly after birth. This also helps with curing or preventing urinary incontinence!
BTL Ultra Femme 360 - on the other hand uses Radio-Frequency (RF) to tighten vaginal tissues and overall vaginal health. RF energy will penetrate the tissues using controlled heating to improve blood circulation and tighten the skin.
The treatments work synergistically, as strengthening and tightening your intimates will keep your organs in place and prevents it from bulging into the vagina.  The treatment is non-invasive and requires no downtime, so you can come by for a lunchtime quickie!

Treatment #3: Vaginal Pessaries

In cases where things are getting complicated, you might need some help from a pessary - a superhero device you insert into your vagina to provide some extra support. It's like a magical prop keeping your organs in place. It's also used to treat urine leakage and can help women have more control over their bladders. A healthcare professional will be able to guide you through the process of finding the right one for you since it's not a one-size-fits-all solution.
However, there are potential risks associated with using pessaries. These include discomfort, infections, problems with bowel movements, and difficulty removing the pessary. In some cases, the pessary may also fall out. 
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Treatment #4: Surgery

And if all conservative treatments have been explored or exhausted, you can consider surgery. The specific surgical approach - vaginal or abdominal, will depend on the individual's condition and the surgeon's expertise. While surgery is a viable option for many women with pelvic organ prolapse, it carries some risks, so consult a healthcare professional to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.
Alright, ladies, we've covered the basics of pelvic organ prolapse. It's not a topic we often chat about at brunch, but hey, it's important to take control, seek help, and keep your pelvic floor muscles strong.
If you suspect you're dealing with POP, don't hesitate to reach out! Because when it comes to your lady parts, you deserve the best care and support possible.

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